Mount Güenia & the Mahos

The sacred volcano Güenia

Easy hike in the footsteps of the indigenous people/ancient Canarians/Mahos (Guanches).
We hike around the sacred mountain Güenia near Guatiza.

On this scenic hike we learn a lot about the life and culture of the Old Canarians, who were called “Mahos” on Lanzarote. After a short → [mehr / read more / más]

Barranco Maramajo

Easy hike from Teguise to Famara through a fascinating notched valley (Barranco Maramajo), with beautiful views over El Jable and the bay of Famara.

We start in the former capital of the island Teguise and first walk to the old lime kilns that had an important significance for the economic → [mehr / read more / más]