Lava in La Florida

Easy hike between the vine-area of La Geria and the lavaflows from the 18th century.

Immer wieder beeindrucken die Formen und Farben der Lava.

We start along the vineyards in the foothills of La Geria. Heading west, we leave the paved and unpaved roads and walk on the young lava produced by the volcano “Nueces” in March 1736. The fantastic shapes and colors of the lava offer beautiful motives, also for photographers.

After about 2 km we take a break sheltered from the wind in a lava formation embedded in a depression. After another kilometer we reach the LZ 58, which we follow a short distance to the south, before we turn east again and start our way back on small paths through the lava. Further on we reach a small finca, which invites us to rest again, before we cover the last two kilometers on Picón and Lava.

On this tour we also like to touch the geological context of the island, if there is an interest in it among the participants.

Apart from the two “big breaks”, we often make a short stop and explain little things along the way – currently we hope (after the rain) for some greenery, so that we can also show and explain something about the island’s flora to the participants.

You should have the following with you: Sun protection, enough water (approx. 1 l per person), snack, a light jacket – in case it gets windy, photo equipment, sturdy shoes/closed shoes.

Distance: ca. 6 km
Duration: ca. 4 hours
Difficulty: Easy hike without big ascends
Terrain: primarily lava, but flat and solid terrain
Price: € 42,– p.p.

Meeting Point: Bodega Bermejo

Arrival with your own or rented car – pick up for an extra charge.
Refreshment possible afterwards – participation is optional.
You should have the following with you: Sun protection, sufficient water (approx. 1 l per person), snack, a light jacket – if it gets windy, photo equipment, sturdy shoes/closed shoes
Please note: there is no possibility to buy drinks or snacks on the way.