Scenic Hike to Femes

Hike with very nice views in the south of Lanzarote

The view in the direction of Timanfaya.

We start near the village of Las Casitas de Femés and climb the Lomo del Vallito, from where we reach the Atalaya de Femés via Tablero and other hills (Los Lomos). On the → [mehr / read more / más]

Roundtrip Pico Redondo

We ascend from the small village of Femes towards Pico Aceitunas and on to the Degollada de Portuges. We then circle the Pico Redondo in a southerly direction. After around 2 hours, we reach a small finca where we take a longer break. We then continue with fantastic views of → [mehr / read more / más]

Roundtrip Lanzarote South

Roundtrip by car with shorter walks in the Timanfaya area

View of the Montaña Bermeja near Los Hervideros

We drive with our car through the southern part of Lanzarote, to many insider spots at the southwest coast and in the area of Timanfaya. At each spot we make a stop → [mehr / read more / más]

Arco Risco

Etwas anstrengend aber lohnenswert. Dieser Felsbogen ist spektakulär und liegt etwas abgeschieden mitten im Risco de Famara.

Bitte beachtet, dass wir Euch diese Wanderung nur anbieten, falls Ihr schon eine andere Wanderung mit uns gemacht habt, damit wir Euch und Eure Fähigkeiten einschätzen können und Euch nicht überfordern.

Länge: ca. → [mehr / read more / más]

Montaña Blanca

Fantastic view of the summit – Lanzarote is at our feet

scenic views as we climb to the top of Montaña Blanca

Fantastic views await us not only at the summit of Montaña Blanca. On our way we first have the view of Tias and Puerto del Carmen as well → [mehr / read more / más]